1. Registration fee once paid against a candidate cannot be exchanged, cancelled or refunded.
2. This payment is made towards application fee only. However, the candidate should submit the application
ONLINE by referring the payment details within the stipulated dates as per the Dr.BRAOU B.Ed General
Entrance Test-2024 notification. Please ensure that i.e., the candidate shall submit the application in
ONLINE with-in the stipulated date for that fee.
3. The payment towards application fee will not make you eligible for the entrance examination. Dr.BRAOU
B.Ed General Entrance Test-2024 Committee will verify as per the eligibility criteria and will decide to
accept or reject the admission. It is the sole discretion of the Dr.BRAOU B.Ed General Entrance Test-2024
Committee to finalize the eligibility of the candidate for the entrance examination as per the information
provided by the candidate. The rank or eligibility in entrance test alone is not enough to get the seat. Other
criteria will be verified at the time of certificates verification and allow to pay the admission (tuition) fee.
4. Any legal disputes should be limited to Hyderabad jurisdiction only.